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Monk seal birth at Mokulua Nui islet marks 11th on Oʻahu this year

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  • Mokulua Nui monk seals and warning signs (June 23, 2024). PC: DLNR
  • Mokulua Nui monk seals and warning signs (June 23, 2024). PC: DLNR
  • Mokulua Nui monk seals and warning signs (June 23, 2024). PC: DLNR
  • Mokulua Nui monk seals and warning signs (June 23, 2024). PC: DLNR
  • Mokulua Nui monk seals and warning signs (June 23, 2024). PC: DLNR

A Hawaiian monk seal born on Mokulua Nui in in 2018 has delivered her first pup on the same islet. The birth of this pup to Wailea (RJ30), was confirmed on Friday, according to the state Department of Land and Natural Resources. The twin Mokulua offshore islets are state wildlife sanctuaries.

Department officials say the births of 11 monk seals on Oʻahu this year have created some unique challenges in protecting both seals and people.

With births in high visibility areas like Kaimana Beach in Waikīkī on May 1 and just last week on a beach at Sand Island State Recreation Area, DLNR, NOAA, and Hawai‘i Marine Animal Rescue (HMAR) initiated collaborative plans to keep moms, pups, and curious people separated and safe.


Hawaiian monk seals are critically endangered animals with fewer than 1,400 left in the world. “Once restricted to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, it is an incredible privilege to see these endangered animals reproducing in the main islands,” department officials said.

Mokulua Nui is particularly challenging, as the island is offshore from Kailua and a popular destination for kayakers. On Friday, the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) suspended all Mokulua Islet Commercial Landing Permits.

DOFAW Administrator David Smith said, “We are mindful and empathetic to the impact this has on kayak companies and recreators at the beginning of the busy summer tourist season. However, having seals in very close proximity to people can create safety issues for both people and animals. We appreciate everyone’s patience, while this mother seal nurses her pup and prepares it to wean in five to seven weeks.”


Staff from DOFAW, the DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR), NOAA Marine Fisheries Service, and HMAR are partnering to let people know that landing on the beach at the island is currently prohibited. Staff and volunteers are recommending that boaters don’t land anywhere on the islet to ensure the seal and her pup are not harmed or disturbed and due to unimproved and unsafe conditions outside the resting area. The Mokulua Islets were set aside as Wildlife Sanctuaries through Executive Order 532 in 1932 for the “protection of bird, animal and vegetable life.”

Signs, detailing NOAA’s “Seal Resting Area” guidelines are already up at Moku Nui and additional signage warning about beach landings will be placed this week. Biologists say having kayaks coming and going from the islet will likely disturb the mother seal and her pup and thus could be considered a ‘take’ of a protected species which is prohibited by both state and federal law.

Additionally, staff and volunteers stationed on the island are recording all human activities during the seals presence and will utilize this information to guide management of the offshore islets. No one should move or deface any signs.


At Sand Island State Recreation Area, where mother seal Rocky had her 15th pup last week, the park was full of campers over the weekend. A large perimeter fence, and seal safety signs are up, including signs reminding people that dogs, on or off leash, are never permitted in the park.

Despite the reminders, several dogs were seen among a group of campers. Officers from the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) will cite people if they catch them with dogs in the area. In addition to fines, future camping permits can be denied.

A third seal, a young male, shared the beach with Rocky and her pup on Sunday. At one point he got too close to the resting mom and pup and was warned off by Rocky and was seen resting well away from the pair.

NOAA monk seal viewing guidelines are posted HERE.


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