Maui Election

Democratic Party of Hawai‘i reacts to President Biden’s decision to step down from 2024 race

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President Biden and First Lady visit Lahaina, Maui. (8.22.23) PC: County of Maui

Hawai‘i Democrats support President Joe Biden’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris president after announcing to step down from the 2024 presidential race.

“President Biden’s remarkable leadership and dedication to our country throughout his time in office are indisputable,” stated Derek Turbin, Chair of the Democratic Party of Hawai’i. “He saved American Democracy through his grace and strength in the 2020 campaign.

“Thereafter, he deftly navigated our recovery from COVID through the American Rescue package. He committed our party to supporting women’s reproductive rights, and he was one of the first American leaders to support same-sex marriage. Lastly, he united NATO, standing up to dictators. President Biden led us with character, kindness, and love for our great country.”


Party officials went on to say Biden’s decision to step down further displays his commitment and selflessness as a public servant to the country that he loves.

“We respect this decision and thank him for his decades of service to the people of America, officials stated.

In a letter from Biden, he reflected on the significant achievements of his administration and stated:


“Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We’ve made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans.”

Party officials say Biden positioned America to lead effectively on the global stage, adding Harris, with her experience, vision, and dedication to public service, is well-prepared to take on the challenges of the presidency.

“Kamala Harris has allied herself with and advocated for justice, equality, and progress throughout her career. Her background and experience have uniquely qualified her to continue the Biden administration’s work and lead us forward. She is ready to lead our great nation.” Turbin continued.


Party officials went on to say Biden’s endorsement of Harris highlights his confidence in her ability to carry forward our country’s Democratic values, focusing on unity, women’s rights, and lowering the cost of living for American families. As we approach the 2024 Presidential Election, we must rally behind Vice President Harris and ensure the progress made over the past years continues forward.

Former Chairs of the Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi Adrian Tam (2024), Tyler Dos Santos-Tam (2020-2022), Kate Stanley (2019-2020), Stephanie Ohigashi (2014-2016), and Brickwood Galuteria (2004-2006) today endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for President in a joint statement:

“Mahalo President Biden for your decades of service to our nation, which includes the brave and selfless decision to pass the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris. We enthusiastically endorse Vice President Harris for President in 2024. She is the candidate with the best experience and ability to unify voters of all backgrounds in every part of the country.”

Biden stated: “There is nothing America can’t do – when we do it together.”


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