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Pilot program provides water-from-air generators to Hawaiʻi Technology Academy on Maui

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A pilot program is now in place, providing water-from-air generators, water bottles, and UV lights and replacement filters to the Hawai’i Technology Academy. It’s part of a larger program to bring clean drinking water to schools all over the Island. The announcement was made by the nonprofit Eye of the Needle Holistic Living organization.

Under the program, water-from-air generators will be purchased from WAIEA Water Solutions on Oʻahu.

“Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG) create clean water from the air we breathe. The AWG draws in ambient air and collects the moisture through condensation. Then it uses a six-stage water filtration system, ultraviolet light purification and ozone treatment to remove impurities. The generators are powered by standard or alternative power sources, are portable and convenient, and not dependent upon any outside water source,” according to the announcement.

Allison Trapp, Kīhei Campus Director for the Hawai’i Technology Academy lauded the importance of the new technology for the Academy.

Hawai’i Tech Academy logo. PC: courtesy

“The implementation of Water-from-Air technology would provide a vital source of clean drinking water, directly benefiting our entire school community,” said Trapp. “This initiative aligns perfectly with our educational goals and our broader commitment to environmental stewardship.”

Trapp also identifies the educational experience this technology can offer the students saying, “It presents a unique opportunity for our students to engage with cutting-edge technology and understand its impact on sustainability. This hands-on learning experience will not only enhance their academic journey but also inspire them to become future leaders in environmental conservation.”

Eye of the Needle Holistic Living was founded after the fires in 2023 by Bren Taylor and David Kitts who said: “We’re all in a tight spot and we’re all in this together. Contributing to the larger community is how we get each other through the Eye of the Needle, we support each other. The world has changed and our new nonprofit, Eye of the Needle Holistic Living, was born of these times.”


The nonprofit is committed to supporting education, sustainability and cultural programs on Maui. 

“Eye of the Needle has launched a crowdfunding campaign for this project bringing a sustainable source of fresh drinking water made from the air, eliminating excessive plastic water bottle storage at the school, reducing micro-plastic toxicity in student daily consumption, and giving the kids a reliable and safe water supply,” according to the announcement.


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