Malu i Ka ʻUlu highlights free mental health support for those impacted by Maui wildfires

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Team members. PC: Malu i Ka ‘Ulu

In an effort to bring awareness to mental health resources available to those affected by the Maui wildfires, Malu i Ka ʻUlu recently launched a series of public service announcements. Dedicated to promoting mental health and self-healing for Maui County residents, Malu i Ka ʻUlu offers peer counseling and mental health resources to support the recovery journey of wildfire survivors. The PSAs highlight the unwavering commitment of Malu i Ka ʻUlu’s locally-based counselors and the significance of the ʻulu (breadfruit) tree as a symbol of strength and renewal as the community heals and grows.

“Our community is strong and resilient, but everyone needs a shoulder to rest on, or a safe space to turn to during difficult times, and Malu i Ka ‘Ulu hopes to be that resource,” said Katharine Chan, director of Crisis Services, Care Hawaiʻi. “Our team at Malu i Ka ʻUlu wants you to know that you are not alone, and that we are here for you, whether it’s offering emotional support or practical resources, we want to help you on your journey.”

Malu i Ka ʻUlu, which means “shaded by the breadfruit tree” in Hawaiian, was established in September 2023 – a month after the wildfires – and was inspired by the traditional Puʻuhonua (“place of refuge”) system, symbolizing restoration and rejuvenation. The program aims to create a restorative space for individuals to regain their strength and continue their journey with renewed energy. Malu i Ka ‘Ulu offers peer counseling, access to various mental health resources and services, and a warm line for free and anonymous counseling, available five days a week. Counselors help survivors understand their situation, explore recovery options, develop coping strategies, reduce stress, and connect with other supportive individuals and agencies.


Malu i Ka ʻUlu recently launched a series of PSAs for television, radio and online, including PSAs that introduce the program’s team of counselors, highlight the significance of the ʻulu tree as a symbol of strength among the Lahaina community, offer mental health tips, and direct those affected to free counseling and resources.

The Malu i Ka ʻUlu website has also been updated to include additional information on the program, FAQs, resources, information on upcoming events and more. To view the website visit

For immediate support, call the “warm line” at 808-446-6676. To receive the latest news and updates, follow Malu i Ka ‘Ulu on Instagram at @maluikaulu


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