Vendor applications available for 51st annual Maui County Senior Fair

The County of Maui Office on Aging, in partnership with Maui Economic Opportunity Inc., invites vendors to participate in the 51st Annual Senior Fair, scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, at Maui Mall Village in Kahului.
The Senior Fair connects seniors and caregivers with community resources, promotes health awareness through education and screenings, and provides information about programs and services available in Maui County.
This event also offers an opportunity for the Maui Economic Opportunity’s Maui Planning & Coordinating Council (P&CC) Senior Clubs to raise funds for club activities and events.
Interested vendors and exhibitors may download an application at or visit the Maui County Office on Aging at 95 Mahalani St., Room 20. The deadline for application submissions is Monday, Sept. 23, 2024.
Vendors representing for-profit businesses will be charged a $100 vendor fee, which helps support the Senior Fair. Not-for-profit groups and government agencies not generating revenue at their booths, as well as P&CC Senior Clubs, are exempt from the fee.
Each 8-foot-long table will include a tablecloth, skirt and two chairs. The event committee reserves the right to deny late applications, duplicate products or services, or other applications due to limited space.
Confirmation packets will be mailed to vendors by Monday, Oct. 21.