Maui Okinawan Festival returns to Maui Mall Village after hiatus
Following a five-year hiatus, the Maui Okinawan Festival returns to the Maui Mall Village on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Kamaʻāina and visitors can savor Okinawan food while enjoying high-energy music and dance, cultural displays with live demonstrations and interactive activities and shopping at the festival’s craft fair featuring Maui and Oʻahu vendors.
Guests can immerse themselves in the Okinawan culture through an outstanding lineup of local and visiting artists, including taiko and Sanshin performances and odori dancers, and an interactive display of Okinawa culture on Maui. The family-friendly festival is presented by the Maui Okinawa Kenjin Kai and is free to attend.
“We’re pleased to host the Maui Okinawan Festival once again, bringing the sights, sounds and flavors of Okinawa to the people of Maui and those visitors seeking authentic, cultural experiences,” said Maui Mall Village Property Manager James Cashman of JLL. “We encourage everyone to bring the ʻohana to explore this year’s dynamic festival at Maui Mall Village.”

Other Maui Okinawan Festival highlights include:
- Okinawan food such as pig’s feet soup, chow fun, andagi and more
- A Country Store offering homemade maki sushi, baked goods and mochi
- The “Generation Go” cultural display
- Live demonstrations, including cooking, music and dance
- Interactive stations, including make-and-take crafts and free pin buttons (while supplies last)
- The Okinawan Genealogical Society of Hawaii will be on hand to assist people who are interested in tracing their Okinawan family roots
- View a special documentary video of Rinzai Zen Mission
- Plus, guests can find out what their family name was prior to colonization, search the sugar plantation camp maps to see if they can find where their family’s home was located, and share their cultural stories

“The theme of this year’s Maui Okinawan Festival is ‘Sharing the Wealth of Our Uchinanchu Culture,’ reflecting the Maui Okinawa Kenjin Kai’s commitment to sharing with our community the joyful abundance of the Okinawan spirit, which includes hopeful wishes of good fortune, health, and longevity through a showcase of Okinawan food, music, history, and arts,” said Maui Okinawa Kenjin Kai President Sonya Toma.
Guests attending the Maui Okinawan Festival at Maui Mall Village can look for special offers at the center’s many retail stores, eateries, businesses and entertainment venues.