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Op-Ed: Confronting the Hunger Crisis — A Call to Action During Hunger Action Month

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Lisa Paulson. PC: Aubrey Hord

Op-Ed: Op-ed: Confronting the Hunger Crisis — A Call to Action During Hunger Action Month
By Lisa Paulson, CEO of Maui Food Bank

September marks Hunger Action Month—a time to raise awareness about hunger, advocate for change, and take meaningful action to combat food insecurity. This year, the significance of this month is particularly profound for us here on Maui. In the wake of the devastating wildfires, the demand for food assistance has surged by over 65%, pushing our community to the brink.

Before the fires, food insecurity was already a major challenge across our islands. A recent report highlighted the severity of the issue: nearly one-quarter of all households in Hawaii faced food insecurity, with Maui County experiencing 31% of households struggling to put food on the table.

At the Maui Food Bank, we see the real faces behind these statistics. Monthly food distribution has skyrocketed from 250,000 pounds to nearly 800,000 pounds—an unprecedented increase that reflects the severe and immediate need. The distribution of fresh produce has also doubled, from 78,000 pounds to 160,000 pounds each month, as we strive to provide nutritious options for families struggling to rebuild their lives.


The road to recovery is long, and the challenges are immense. The wildfires not only destroyed homes and livelihoods but also exacerbated the pre-existing issues of hunger and poverty on our island. Many of our neighbors, who never imagined needing food assistance, now find themselves in lines at distribution centers, seeking help to feed their families.

At the Maui Food Bank, we are committed to serving our community during this critical time. But we cannot do it alone. This Hunger Action Month, we are calling on every resident of Maui to join us in this fight against hunger. Here are some ways you can make a difference:

  • Donate: Every dollar counts in our efforts to provide food to those in need. With the demand for food assistance growing exponentially, financial contributions are more important than ever. A donation of just $25 can provide enough food for a family of four for a week.
  • Volunteer: Our volunteers are the backbone of our operations. Whether it’s sorting donations, packing food boxes, or assisting with distribution, your time and dedication are crucial.
  • Advocate: Use your voice to support policies that address the root causes of hunger. As our community rebuilds, we must ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need, including food, housing, and healthcare.
  • Educate: Share the reality of hunger on Maui with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people understand the scope of the problem, the more likely they are to get involved.

The challenges we face are daunting, but they are not insurmountable. By coming together as a community, we can ensure that no one on Maui goes hungry. Hunger Action Month is a reminder that the fight against hunger is ongoing—and it’s a fight we must win.


As we move forward, let’s remember that every action, no matter how small, contributes to a larger movement. Whether through donations, volunteerism, advocacy, or education, you have the power to make a difference. Together, we can help Maui recover, rebuild and thrive.

*****Views expressed in Op-Ed pieces are those of the author’s alone and do not reflect or represent the opinions, policies or positions of Maui Now.*****  


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