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Kalalau Trail to remains closed following norovirus outbreak

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Kalalau Norovirus outbreak and Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park (Sept. 5, 2024). PC: DLNR

The Kalalau Trail in the Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park will remain closed to visitors beyond today following the recent norovirus outbreak among park visitors, state officials announced. DLNR will be partially opening the trail to Hanakāpīʻai for day use only, beginning on Saturday, Sept. 21, prior to a full opening to be determined later. Any hiking beyond Hanakāpīʻai may result in citations or arrests.

The total number of norovirus cases reported to date is approximately 50 and remaining stable. The onset of new cases peaked on Sept. 2 and there have been no new cases reported with onset after Sept. 4. While the increased public health risk has subsided, the Hawaiʻi Department of Health will continue to investigate case reports and conduct surveillance of norovirus-like symptoms in emergency room and urgent care visits, in addition to requesting that cases be reported by park visitors and/or by healthcare providers.

Significant preventive measures have been taken during the closure and are still underway. The DLNR Division of State Parks is conducting multiple deep cleanings and disinfection of comfort stations along the trail and at the Kē‘ē Beach trailhead.

Kalalau Norovirus outbreak and Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park (Sept. 5, 2024). PC: DLNR

DSP is producing DOH-recommended signs and is scheduling helicopter time to fly them to Kalalau to be installed at the same time additional disinfection of facilities is underway.

One set of signs will display recommendations for campers and hikers to prevent the spread of ailments like norovirus. A second sign will be erected outside the sea cave adjacent to the Kalalau camping area.

Kalalau Norovirus outbreak and Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park (Sept. 5, 2024). PC: DLNR

Water testing by the Centers for Disease Control did reveal evidence of fecal contamination inside the cave. Due to that contamination, the cave will remain closed. It is inaccessible during winter months as it is blocked by winter ocean swells. Visitors are reminded that it against the law to urinate or defecate other than at the toilet facilities provided. CDC testing of water, sand, and sediment from Kalalau Valley did not show any norovirus.


DLNR Chair Dawn Chang said, “This was an unprecedented situation. As soon as we became aware of people getting sick at Kalalau we coordinated with the DOH to make sure we followed all its recommended protocols. DLNR’s primary concern is public health and safety, and protection and preservation of the natural and cultural resources.  Until we are confident that these issues have been adequately addressed, we will err on the side of caution. We appreciate the community’s and visitors’ patience.”

Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park, Kalalau Section (Sept. 1, 2024) PC: DLNR

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