HCF launches Stronger Hawai‘i statewide disaster recovery initiative

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World Central Kitchen volunteers prepare food for wildfire survivors. PC: Hawaiʻi Community Foundation

The Hawaiʻi Community Foundation (HCF) today launched the Stronger Hawaiʻi initiative to provide information and resources to Hawaiʻi communities when faced with disasters.

Designed to support the community during times of disaster, the initiative is unique to Hawaiʻi and features partner-driven resources, important updates from community organizations, and highlights collaborative solutions on the ground. 

Over the past year, HCF has granted more than $110 million to nearly 200 organizations to respond to immediate and long-term recovery needs for the people and places affected by the 2023 Maui wildfires. The platform will feature a collection of resources from many of these organizations, in addition to critical resources from County, State, and Federal entities.


“In all of these disaster experiences we recognize that recovery happens at the community level,” says Keanu Lau Hee, Senior Director for the HCF Maui Recovery Effort. “We are proud to partner with the many organizations that uphold systems of support focused on meeting the needs of those impacted.” 

HCF plays a unique role in disaster preparedness and response. Over the past six years, HCF has supported relief efforts responding to four major disasters across the state. Through collaboration with partners, both inside and outside the philanthropic sector, HCF has contributed to a coordinated effort for maximum community impact in the most efficient manner. Operating with a four-phase approach to disaster relief, HCF’s commitment acknowledges both the immediate and long-term recovery needs for the people and places affected by disasters.

While currently focused on providing resources for Maui, the platform is designed to serve events occurring across the state. In the event HCF responds to a new disaster, the Stronger Hawaiʻi initiative will be responsive in the information and resources made available by key partners and its own responsive grantmaking for community recovery. As a permanent tool, the platform will expand to include educational information and resources responsive to community needs as they evolve and develop over time. 


This initiative is part of a strategic focus as HCF centers prioritized needs, complementing and leveraging public resources rather than duplicating them, providing support for affected populations, and making decisions as data-informed as possible. The Stronger Hawaiʻi initiative encourages people to access disaster case management as a starting point to ensure that all survivors and their families are attended to in a way that they feel safe, comfortable, and equipped to move toward long-term recovery.

Access resources and more information at the Stronger Hawaiʻi website at www.strongerhawaii.org.


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