County work at Wailuku River to begin in October

The County of Maui Department of Public Works will be performing maintenance and repair projects within the Wailuku River Flood Control Channel starting on Oct.1, 2024.
Maintenance work is planned to remove overgrown vegetation and sediment to restore capacity of the channel below the Waiehu Beach Road Bridge near the former Sack ‘N Save property.
Increased truck traffic should be anticipated in the vicinity of the Millyard Subdivision in Wailuku.
For questions about this project, call the Department of Public Works Highways Division at 808-270-7869.
Repair work on the levee near the Millyard Subdivision will also begin in October. Repair and improvement work being performed is necessary to ensure proper flood protection.
For questions on this project, call the Department of Public Works Engineering Division at 808-270-7745.
At all work sites, stream flow will not be diverted and Best Management Practices will be implemented to minimize impact to aquatic life, water quality, cultural resources and nearby properties, County officials said.