Baldwin Beach Park, Tavares Bay reopen after cleanup of debris from high surf

The County of Maui Department of Parks and Recreation has reopened Baldwin Beach Park and Tavares Bay in Kūʻau following the cleanup of debris from high surf last week.
The beach parks were closed Dec. 21 after an extra-large north swell caused water to surge and sweep across portions of the beach parks. At Baldwin Beach Park, sand had to be cleared from the parking area, according to parks officials.
Tavares Bay reopened on Tuesday, and Baldwin reopened on Thursday.
The National Weather Service in Honolulu had issued a high-surf warning last week for an extra-large, north-northwest swell that peaked with 40- to 50-foot waves along north facing shores. Safety impacts triggered the County department to close Ho‘okipa, Baldwin and Tavares Bay beach parks on Dec. 21.
Hoʻokipa Beach Park reopened Dec. 24, after debris and damage from high surf was addressed. NWS downgraded the High Surf Warning to a High Surf Advisory, which remains in effect through 6 a.m. Friday for north-facing shores of Maui and Molokaʻi.
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