Maui County rainfall ‘below average’ in December
All rain gauges in Maui County saw below average rainfall in December, while three locations — Kula Branch Station, ʻUlupalakua Ranch and Māhinahina — had their lowest December totals on record, according to a monthly rainfall report by the National Weather Service.
Most of the rain gauge totals were below 10% of average, and six sites did not record any measurable rainfall. The US Geological Survey’s’ rain gauge at West Wailuaiki Stream had the highest monthly total of 7.15 inches (44% of average) and the highest daily total of 1.26 inches on Dec. 12. Hāna Airport had its lowest December total since 1995.
The recent dry conditions resulted in a drop of annual totals for 2024 to near to below average levels at all of the gauges in Maui County. The rain gauge at West Wailuaiki Stream had the highest annual total of 205.64 inches (91% of average) for the year.
December is usually one of Hawaiʻi’s wettest months of the year. Earlier forecasts predicted above-normal rainfall in December, but most rain gauges across the main islands reported below-average amounts for the month, forecasters said. Drought areas increased in size and intensity instead of easing as expected by seasonal rainfall outlook.
December was marked by stable weather conditions with no significant heavy rains and a surface ridge of high pressure over or just north of the state. This weather pattern started in late November and continued through Dec. 8.
Trade winds resumed on Dec. 9 when the ridge shifted farther north and persisted through Dec. 15. The high-pressure ridge returned over the island chain on Dec. 17 and remained in the same general area through Dec. 22. The trades moved back in on Dec. 23 and persisted through the rest of the month at mainly light to moderate speeds, forecasters said.