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Third community meeting scheduled for Hāna Community Pathway Study

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A Hāna Community Pathway design concept being considered envisions a 5.5-mile multimodal greenway linking important resources and services like Hāna Elementary and High School, Hāna Health and the farmers’ market, allowing both residents and visitors to safely walk, bike or roll through their community. PC: Maui MPO

Design concepts for the Hāna Community Pathway will be presented at the next in-person community meeting in Hāna scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 18, 4:30 p.m. at Helene Hall, the Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization announced Thursday.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss what has been accomplished to date and present pathway designs for community feedback. The meeting is open to the public but registration is requested for planning purposes.

Go to to sign-up and learn more about the project.


The Hāna Community Pathway Study is an effort to envision a multimodal, shared-use path connecting Hāna High and Elementary School, Hāna Health, the farmer’s market and other resources. This pathway aims to not only enhance the current travel experience for local pedestrians and bikers in Hāna, but also to allow residents to safely connect with health services, schools and the cultural and aesthetic aspects of Hāna town.

Once completed, the Hāna Community Pathway Study will provide the Hāna community a blueprint for the plan as well as help identify strategies for project delivery including a budget, scope of work and timeline.


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