Maui News

Night lane closures on Kaʻahumanu Avenue for paving work

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Kaʻahumanu Avenue westbound detour route. PC: Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation

Motorists are advised that eastbound and westbound lanes of Kaʻahumanu Avenue (Route 32) between Kāne Street and Lono Avenue will be closed for paving work associated with the Maui Palms Hampton Inn project.

The work will take place from 9:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. the next day, beginning, Wednesday, Feb. 19, with the last closure ending at 5:30 a.m., Friday, Feb. 21.

The Wednesday, Feb. 19 to Thursday, Feb. 20 closure will involve:

  • All eastbound lanes on Kaʻahumanu Avenue.
  • The westbound left turn pocket and the west bound left straight lane.

Two lanes in the westbound direction will remain open. The right turn pocket in the westbound direction heading onto Kahului Beach Road will also be open. Highway users heading East on Kaʻahumanu Avenue may detour to Kāne Street to connect with Kamehameha Avenue and turn onto Lono Avenue to access Kaʻahumanu Avenue. Left turns from Kaʻahumanu Avenue onto Kahului Beach Road will still be allowed.

The Thursday, Feb. 20 to Friday, Feb. 21 closure will involve:

  • All westbound lanes on Kaʻahumanu Avenue.
  • The eastbound left-turn pocket and the eastbound left through lane on Kaʻahumanu Avenue.

Two eastbound lanes on Kaʻahumanu Avenue will remain open between Kāne Street and Lono Avenue. Right turns from Kāne Street onto Kaʻahumanu Avenue will be allowed. Left turns from Kahului Beach Road onto Kaʻahumanu Avenue in the eastbound direction will also be permitted.


Highway users heading west on Kaʻahumanu Avenue may detour to Lono Avenue to Kamehameha Avenue and use Kāne Street to connect with Kaʻahumanu Avenue and Kahului Beach Road.

For construction schedule updates or changes, see the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation’s social media pages on Facebook and on Twitter/X @DOTHawaii.


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