Final EA with finding of no significant impact for Kaiola Place Sewer Improvements project

The County of Maui, Department of Environmental Management, Wastewater Reclamation Division proposes to construct two new 8-inch sewerlines along Kaiola Place and Ohukai Road and install 10 6-inch service laterals and eight sewer manholes to connect 10 properties to the County wastewater system in Kīhei.
The subject properties are seven developed residential lots and one undeveloped residential lot along Kaiola Place and two developed lots along Ohukai Road in urban Kīhei.
The proposed project area involves portions of the lots adjacent to Kaiola Place and Ohukai Road, as well as the Kaiola Place roadway itself and Ohukai Road. Project construction covers approximately 7,000 square feet.
Individuals with ADA Compliance issues are asked to contact Munekiyo Hiraga at
The Final EA FONSI is available online here.