Data Released on Health of Maui County Residents
By Wendy Osher
New data on the health of Maui County residents will be highlighted during a presentation this Friday, June 28, at the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College.
The information was compiled before and after Maui received federal funding for programs under a Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant.
Florentia Reyes-Salvail, a project director for the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, will discuss findings.
In Hawaiʻi, the BRFSS survey data is used to advocate for the control of high blood pressure, improve screening for breast, cervical, prostate, and colorectal cancer; identify and treat childhood asthma; address education regarding sugar sweetened beverages and menu labeling; and address concerns related to diabetes and cognitive impairment.
The joint presentation is co-sponsored by the state Department of Health and the Maui County Nutrition and Physical Activity Coalition.
There is no charge to attend the event, which begins at noon on Friday in the UHMC Laulima building, Room 107.