Law Enforcement Officer Review Board Formed

Maui Now graphic.
After signing Act 161 into law last year, Governor Ige created the Law Enforcement Officer Independent Review Board.
The board is responsible for reviewing criminal investigations of incidents of officer-involved deaths conducted by law enforcement agencies.
The board will evaluate the fairness of investigations and determine whether criminal prosecution or further investigation is warranted. Pursuant to Act 161, the board members serve without compensation.
Appointed board members include: Katy Chen, Lance Goto, Jay Kimura, Boyd Mossman, Melissa Pavlicek, Barbara Richardson, Kevin Takata, Iwalani White and Gary Yabuta.
Officer involved deaths that occurred after July 1, 2017 will be referred to this board. Those referrals will occur after the individual law enforcement agencies conduct their own reviews. As of this date, no such referrals have been made.