NPR Host to Speak at Maui Marathon
Peter Sagal, author of “The Incomplete Book of Running” and host of NPR’s news quiz show, “Wait Wait..Don’t Tell Me!,” will speak at this year’s Maui Marathon Expo.
Sagal started running seriously at the age of 40.
What began as a simple mission to keep himself healthy has evolved into several marathon finishes, including the tragic 2013 Boston Marathon.
According to a press release, Sagal crossed the line moments before two bombs went off, killing 3 and injuring 100 others.
He most recently ran his 16th marathon, the Big Sur in California, in under four hours.
Sagal is also planning to compete in the full marathon.
“As I get older, and no longer care much about my finishing time, I’m more interested in marathoning as a kind of tourism and also for a way to meet a community. Plus, hey it’s Maui!,” Sagal said in the release.
Sagal’s two talks are slated for Oct. 12, during the expo at the Maui Westin Resort and Spa.
A book sale and signing will follow both talks.
Proceeds from the book sale will go to Girls on the Run Hawai’i, an organization dedicated to “creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.”
Click here for more information.