Maui Police Captain Jody Singsank, is the most recent island graduate of the esteemed FBI National Academy. Singsank, who is the commander of the Molokai Patrol District, was part of the academy’s 235th class that graduated December 12th at the FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia.
While at the academy, Singsank broke 2 records out of the 3 physical fitness events attendees are assessed in: the first in the women’s pushups, and the second was the overall plank (men’s & women’s record). The other event was the 1.5 mile run. She received a Yellow Brick (running) and Blue Brick (34 mile swim challenge).
While at the academy, Captain Singsank took the following classes, Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement, Labor Law Issues for Law Enforcement Administrators, Conflict and Crisis Management, Public Speaking, Stress Management in Law Enforcement and Fitness in Law Enforcement.
(Posted by Wendy OSHER © 2009) (Information and Photo courtesy: Maui Police Department)