Maui Arts & Entertainment

Maoli plants ‘Boots on the Ground Tour’ at the MACC on June 22

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Glenn Awong / Maoli. PC: via Maui Arts & Cultural Center

Country and reggae band Maoli, is set to perform at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center on Saturday, June 22.

The concert takes place at the A&B Amphitheater & Yokouchi Pavilion starting at 6 p.m. Gates open at 4:30 p.m. Tickets are $69 (GA) and $109 (VIP) (plus applicable fees). Prices increase the day of the show. Purchase tickets online here.

VIP ticket holders receive access to the Front of the Stage and exclusive access to the Yokouchi Pavilion bars and restrooms. No chairs are provided for this concert. Seating is first come first serve on the bleachers at the rear of the amphitheater.


No outside food or beverages are allowed including water bottles. Strollers, umbrellas, beach chairs, water bottles, coolers, bags, backpacks, large purses or anything with a hard frame will not be permitted in the venue.

Maoli developed its unique sound by fusing the elements of country, R&B, soul, acoustic, rock & roll and reggae. Their version of “Country Reggae” has been labeled as heartfelt, uplifting, feel-good music with an impressive reach, enabling the group to sell out the largest venues in Hawai’i.

Transcending borders and capturing the hearts of music enthusiasts worldwide, Maoli was formed in 2007 and has since performed across the US, New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific.


In 2020, Maoli won Group of the Year and Album of the Year for their record Sense Of Purpose at iHeart’s Island Awards, followed by Album of the Year and Song of the Year in 2021. In 2023, the band embarked on their Maoli Music Overload tour, selling more than 45,000 tickets across four cities in Hawai‘i, in addition to selling well over 11,000 tickets on the MMO US tour plus several festival appearances including Cali Roots and Holo Holo Fest Sacramento.


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