Hawaiʻi Pacific Export Council honored with District Export Council of the Year award

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US Sen. Mazie Hirono congratulates Hawaiʻi Pacific Export Council Chair Dave Erdman for the Council receiving the District Export Council of the Year Award by the US Department of Commerce. PC: Courtesy of the Hawaiʻi Pacific Export Council

The Hawaiʻi Pacific Export Council has been awarded the District Export Council of the Year Award by the US Department of Commerce. The honor recognizes the council’s contributions to supporting US exporters in Hawaiʻi and across the US Pacific Islands through innovative and impactful initiatives.

Among its achievements, the Council responded to the Maui wildfires by establishing the Maui Wildfire Disaster Business Recovery Fund to support Maui small businesses.

The award was presented at the National District Export Council Conference in Washington, D.C. There, International Trade Administration Under Secretary Diane Farrell honored Council Chair Dave Erdman and Council members Elvira Lo, David Day and Elizabeth Chan with the District Export Council of the Year Award. The event celebrated the Council’s achievements and its role in driving regional export growth and economic development.


The Hawaiʻi Pacific Export Council is one of the 61 district export councils across the United States and its territories.

“This recognition is a testament to our volunteer board for their hard work and dedication, as well as the innovative efforts of our entire team for our work with our stakeholders and partners in Hawaiʻi and across the Pacific,” Erdman said.

“HPEC’s success stems from its commitment to fostering a robust export environment,” he said. “Through targeted programs, workshops, and one-on-one mentoring, HPEC has empowered island businesses to navigate the complexities of international trade, ultimately driving significant export growth. HPEC partners with the State of Hawaiʻi’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism to execute export seminar training programming as part of the Hawaiʻi State Trade Expansion Program program, which included 15 seminars to support new and experienced exporters in helping small- to medium-size enterprises to grow beyond the state or their island communities by expanding sales through exporting.”


“Exporting is the sale of US made goods and services to buyers in foreign markets, and includes the export of agricultural products, locally produced merchandise for export, tourism, international education and study in the islands, and services focused on international markets. Exporting ‘matters’. Exporting helps to diversify and expand our economy while helping small businesses to grow. Trade is a force for good,” Erdman said.

Jamie Lum, Business Development Program manager/Business Development and Support Division, State of Hawaiʻi DBEDT, said: “DBEDT values HPEC’s support and partnership in helping our Hawaiʻi small businesses reach their export potential.”

The Council’s 2023 accomplishments include securing new grant funding, conducting 15 export seminars and facilitating $7.6 million in new export sales and total increase in export sales of more than $12.5 million. The Council’s efforts supported 265 companies, including more than 100 new-to-export participants and rural businesses from Hawaiʻi’s Neighbor Islands.


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