Rep. Gabbard Visits Maui, Honors Vietnam Veterans
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard hosted a “Congress On Your Corner” event at the Queen Kaʻahumanu Center in Kahului on Monday, where she visited with local residents and updated them on her work in Washington, DC. The visit included updates on recent federal funding secured for Hawaiʻi, her Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act and her Securing America’s Elections Act.
While on Maui Rep. Gabbardd also shared how her office can assist people with the VA, IRS, Social Security, and other federal agencies. Last year, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s office assisted 814 Hawaiʻi residents with federal agency casework.
Later in the day, the congresswoman met with organizers of the Kaʻehu Project. The project seeks to bring together members of the Native Hawaiian community and local government to establish a cultural center at Kaʻehu where traditional knowledge combined with contemporary sustainability methods can be taught to a new generation of Native Hawaiians.
In the evening, the congresswoman delivered the keynote address at the 5th Annual Vietnam Veterans Memorial Service held at the Maui War Memorial Complex, which recognized Maui’s Vietnam veterans and their families for their service. The ceremony also paid tribute to the Maui County Vietnam veterans killed during the war, and recognized Maui Gold Star families for their sacrifices.
Each veteran in attendance was presented a 50th Anniversary Commemorative pin and a certificate signed by President Barack Obama honoring them for their service. An estimated 36,000 Vietnam veterans live in Hawaiʻi.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard will be on Kauaʻi tomorrow to assist with ongoing recovery efforts alongside Team Rubicon and other community volunteers. On Friday, she will attend the Small Business Administration’s 31st Annual Statewide and Editor’s Choice Awards and recognize local small business owners for their contributions to Hawaiʻi’s community and economy.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard talks with Maui residents at her Congress On Your Corner at the Queen Kaʻahumanu Center

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard talks with Maui residents at her Congress On Your Corner at the Queen Kaʻahumanu Center

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard talks with Maui residents at her Congress On Your Corner at the Queen Kaʻahumanu Center

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard talks with Maui residents at her Congress On Your Corner at the Queen Kaʻahumanu Center

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard talks with Maui residents at her Congress On Your Corner at the Queen Kaʻahumanu Center

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard talks with Maui residents at her Congress On Your Corner at the Queen Kaʻahumanu Center