McDonald’s Restaurants of Hawaii proposes the demolition and reconstruction of its Lahaina eatery.
An Environmental Assessment is required because the property is located within the Lahaina National Historic Landmark District at the corner of Papalaua and Wainee Streets.
Lahaina Town was designated as a registered National Historic Landmark in 1962, under the provisions of the Historic Sites Act. In 1966, Lahaina was listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Based on state archaeological reviews, land use history, and information gained from cultural interviews, there is no anticipated adverse impact to cultural resources in the area, according to the Draft EA.
The restaurant opened in June of 1983 and is now over 25 years old. The $1.2 million reconstruction effort is expected to take 5 to 6 months to complete pending the receipt of all necessary permits.
The restaurant’s employs 60 full, part-time and seasonal personnel. According to the project’s Draft Environmental Assessment, employees will be given the option of temporarily transferring to another store.
(Posted by Wendy Osher © 2009; Placeholder image courtesy McDonald’s Corp.)