Hospital Auxiliary Raises $48K for Maui Memorial Medical Center

Auxiliary donates $48,000: Wes Lo, CEO of Maui Memorial Medical Center received a check for $48,000 from the Maui Memorial Hospital Auxiliary at a luncheon held earlier this month. Shown (left to right) are Lo, Linda Chong Auxiliary Treasurer and Amy Hanlon, President.
By Maui Now Staff
Hospital Auxiliary volunteers raised $48,000 for the Maui Memorial Medical Center.
The group presented the check to hospital CEO, Wes Lo,at a luncheon held earlier this month at the Class Act Restaurant at UH Maui College
Auxiliary representatives say the gift will be used for the purchase of 80 new over-the-bed tables, 100 regular tables, and five sleeper chairs that will be used by families staying overnight at the hospital with their loved ones.
About fifty members of the group were present at the event as representatives also installed new officers for 2015.
Newly elected officers include: Amy Hanlon-President; Karl Stoerker-Vice President; John Clark-Secretary; and Linda Chong-Treasurer.
Members also received an update from Lo on the status of Maui’s only hospital, followed by entertainment provided by Maui story-teller Kathy Collins.

Installation Hospital Auxiliary Officers: New officers for 2015 are Linda Chong–Treasurer, John Clark – Secretary; Karl Stoerker – Vice President; and Amy Hanlon –President.
Auxiliary funds come from the proceeds of the volunteer run Hospital Gift Shop, and money raised at the recent Annual Harvest Sale and Silent Auction.
The group also receives support from the community, local businesses, MMMC employees and other donations.
In addition to their fund raising efforts the group donated more than 8,000 hours of time and service to the hospital in 2014.
Those interested in volunteering with the hospital auxiliary are encouraged to call (808) 244-2333.