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PHOTOS: Santa Claus Shaves Head for “Team Trucker”

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Santa goes bald to support #teamtrucker.

By Malika Dudley / Email:

Today Santa Claus shaved his head in support of “Team Trucker” and to bring awareness to childhood cancer. Trucker Dukes is a 20-month-old Maui boy who was recently diagnosed with stage-4 neuroblastoma. (For our initial story about Trucker and his family, click HERE.) His father, Joshua Dukes, is a firefighter at the Kīhei fire station.

Firefighters from the Kīhei fire station have been helping the family in any way that they can. Initially, they raised money internally to help the family fly back and forth to Oʻahu. Stickers, hats and t-shirts are being sold. They have a donation bin and have been storing Christmas presents that community members have dropped off for Trucker. Since Joshua’s sudden departure, firefighters from across the county have been covering his shifts for him. Today Chad Leggit, from Lāna’i, was in for Joshua.


A few days ago, the Dukes ʻohana shaved their heads to rally around Trucker boy. Santa Claus saw this as he visited the family on Christmas Eve and made a visit to the Kīhei fire station on Christmas Day. One of Joshua’s fellow firefighters, Kapena Segundo, did the honors and donned the clippers. Captain Bram Denhaan and firefighter Joe Shutsa also shaved their heads. Santa Claus brought four puppy dogs he says are headed to the land of misfit toys unless someone adopts them. (Photos below) If you are interested in donating to adopt one of these four pups, Santa Claus will deliver them personally anytime before Tuesday (that’s when he heads back to the North Pole).

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To learn more about Trucker follow the Team Trucker Facebook Page.


To donate online visit Trucker’s Give Forward Campaign.

Donations can be made at Bank of Hawaiʻi branches under Trucker Dukes Cancer Fund.

To donate for a Santa Claus delivered puppy, please email me ( to make arrangements.


*Simply click on the images below to see them larger.*

A few days ago, Trucker's family shaved their heads to show solidarity.

A few days ago, Trucker’s family shaved their heads to show solidarity.

Trucker boy and his mother, Shauna Dukes.

Trucker boy and his mother, Shauna Dukes.

Captain Bram Denhaan of A Watch

Captain Bram Denhaan of A Watch

Santa might not be ready for this.

Santa might not be ready for this.

trucker dukes

Santa gets shaved.


FF III Kapena Segundo preps Santa's head for the razor.

FF III Kapena Segundo preps Santa’s head for the razor.

Community members have been dropping off gifts for Trucker.

Community members have been dropping off gifts for Trucker.

Donations are being accepted every day at the Kīhei fire station.

Donations are being accepted every day at the Kīhei fire station.

Firefighter Tyler Pascual decking out firefighter Joe Shutsa with #TeamTrucker.

Firefighter Tyler Pascual decking out firefighter Joe Shutsa with #TeamTrucker.

FF III Kepena Segundo donning the clippers.

FF III Kepena Segundo donning the clippers.

Firefighter Joe Shutsa going down to the skin.

Firefighter Joe Shutsa going down to the skin.

Santa supports #teamtrucker

Santa supports #teamtrucker

"After" they got their heads shaved.

“After” they got their heads shaved.

Four pups are up for adoption. Any donations will go to #TeamTrucker

Four pups are up for adoption. Any donations will go to #TeamTrucker

Two of the four pups are up for adoption. Any donations will go to #TeamTrucker

Two of the four pups are up for adoption. Any donations will go to #TeamTrucker

Sign up sheet to work for Joshua Dukes

Sign up sheet to work for Joshua Dukes


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