Maui Police Department Seeks Public Input Via Citizen Survey

Maui Police Citizens Survey. Wendy Osher/Maui Now graphic.
By Wendy Osher
The Maui Police Department is seeking public input by way of a citizen survey to help the department evaluate public attitudes and opinions pertaining to the level of law enforcement services provided.
Department officials say the results will be used to identify specific ways to better serve the community.
The survey is available online and can be submitted electronically.
Police thanked the public in advance for their input and said no attempt will be made to match answers to individual identities. Respondents will remain anonymous unless they wish to identify themselves in the survey.
The survey includes questions relating to neighborhood safety, personal experience and interaction with police and attitudes and behavior of department employees. Respondents are also asked to rank the most serious law enforcement problems facing Maui County in order of importance.
Maui Police Lieutenant William Juan said the survey is part of the department’s accreditation standard and will be open for participation during the entire month of September. The deadline for response may be extended beyond September based on public participation.