Kamehameha Schools Preschool Scholarships Available

Pauahi Keiki Scholars, Kamehameha Schools graphic.
Applications for Kamehameha Schools Preschool Scholarships through the Pauahi Keiki Scholars program are available statewide through April 30, 2016, for the 2016-17 school year.
The Pauahi Keiki Scholars program provides need-based scholarships to keiki ages 3 years and older currently attending or planning to attend an eligible non-Kamehameha Schools preschool.
Applicants must be Hawai‘i residents; eligibility is determined on an annual basis. Families must reapply each year.
Funds are limited and scholarships are awarded based on many factors.
Applications, eligibility requirements and the list of participating preschools can be found at www.ksbe.edu/finaid.
Applications can also be picked up or dropped off during normal business hours at each Kamehameha Schools Resource Center. Resource centers are located on all-Islands, except Lāna‘i and Ni‘ihau.
For resource center location information, visit http://apps.ksbe.edu/resourcecenters/.
For more information, call the KS Financial Aid office at (808) 534-8080.
The Kamehameha Schools Financial Aid and Scholarship Services department is committed to providing financial assistance to students. Financial support is awarded through various Kamehameha programs such as Pauahi Keiki Scholars, Summer School programs, Post-High Scholarships, Kamehameha Schools Preschools, as well as the Kindergarten through grade 12 programs at the Kapālama, Hawai‘i, and Maui campuses. All awards are made on an annual basis and are determined through various methods such as need and merit.