Maui Young Democrats Host Council Upcountry Debate

Four candidates are currently vying for the Upcountry County Council seat as member Gladys Baisa (top right) reaches her term limit. Candidates include: Stacey Moniz (bottom left), Eric Molina (photo not available – request was made), Yuki Lei Sugimura (top left), and Nāpua Greig Nakasone (bottom right).
The Maui Young Democrats invites the public to attend their Upcountry County Council debate on Wednesday, April 27, 2016, at the Pukalani Community Center.
This is the first debate of the 2016 election cycle and will feature the four candidates currently vying for the Upcountry County Council seat: Stacey Moniz, Eric Molina, Yuki Lei Sugimura, and Nāpua Greig Nakasone.
The event begins with a meet-and-greet at 5:30 p.m., followed by a debate and forum from 6 to 8 p.m. Light pūpū and refreshments will be provided.
The Maui Young Democrats are currently hosting an open poll on the event Facebook page, asking the public to weigh in on possible debate topics. Topics range from Maui’s affordable housing crisis to the recent HC&S closure.
“There are a number of decisive issues that Maui County is facing during this election cycle,” said Tim Lara, President of Maui Young Democrats. “We want these events to help voters understand exactly where the candidates stand on these very important issues.”
Longtime council member Gladys Baisa has held the Upcountry council seat for the past five terms. Having reached the term limit, Baisa is ineligible to run in the upcoming 2016 election.
Organization representatives say the evening will not only highlight the candidates, but also celebrate Council Woman Baisa’s decades of dedication to the Maui and Upcountry communities.
Maui Young Democrats plan to host candidate forums, voter registration drives, community service events, social mixers, and public issue forums throughout the 2016 election cycle.
To RSVP to the Upcountry County Council Debate, visit the event Facebook Page.
According to the Maui Young Democrats, the group strives to:
• Stimulate, in young people, an active interest in governmental affairs
• Promote the involvement of young people in the political process
• Increase the political strength of young people
• Educate young voters and people who will become eligible to vote
• Advocate the highest degree of justice, social welfare and equal opportunity for Maui County and the state of Hawai‘i’s people
• Advocate for the long term protection and restoration of Maui’s environmental resources