All Swells Fading Today, Couple Swells on Horizon

image: John Varney
Alerts (as of 1:00 a.m.)
There are no weather alerts posted at this time.
**Click directly on the images below to make them larger. Charts include: Maui County projected winds, tides, swell direction & period and expected wave heights.**
Maui Surf Forecast
North: Chest/shoulder high surf is expected today in the morning and easing.
West: Surf is pretty flat today for most westerly exposures. Northwest Maui will catch some wrap at spots exposed to that direction.
South: Surf is below waist high today for southern exposures.
Our current northwest swell is forecast to fade into Friday and be down to leftovers for the weekend. Very small reinforcement expected on the 13th with a stronger pulse on the radar for the 16th. Will keep an eye on it.
A small southwest swell is expected to slowly fade out over the next couple days, getting down to traces today.
Keep in mind, surf heights are measured on the face of the wave from trough to crest. Heights vary from beach to beach, and at the same beach, from break to break.
**Click here for your detailed Maui County weather report.**

Image: NOAA

Image: NOAA

Image: NOAA

Image: NOAA

Image: NOAA

Image: NOAA