Joint Exercise with Hawai‘i National Guard, Starts Feb. 5

Maui Now file image.
The Hawaiʻi National Guard’s 93rd Civil Support Team along with the United States Coast Guard, paramedics, airport security, Maui police, and firefighters will participate in a large-scale emergency operations exercise beginning Monday, Feb. 5, 2018.
The exercise will take place throughout Maui island including but not limited to West, South and Central Maui.
Residents and visitors are asked not to be alarmed as some participants will be dressed in full tactical gear as well as hazmat suits. Most of the visible activity for the public will take place on February 7 and 8th.
The Maui Police Department along with members of its Specialized Services Division (SWAT Team) will also conduct an “active shooter” drill at the St. Anthony Church Center in Wailuku at 6 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 9, 2018.