Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center Seeks Fall Pop-Up-Shops
Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center (QKC) is looking for creative and engaging pop-up-shops for fall 2018. Pop-up-shops, also known as flash retailing, allow locally owned businesses to have the opportunity to set up a short-term, temporary retail event that is “here today, gone tomorrow,” but leaves a lasting impression on customers.
“Our islands carry a wealth of made in Hawai’i small businesses and our Maui customers desire the opportunity to shop for these items in a convenient, central location”, says Toni Rojas, marketing director. “It’s also an opportunity for new businesses to test their product to our market”, says Rojas.
For more information on Pop-Up-Shop leasing, contact Leigh Drewry, Specialty Leasing Manager at ldrewry@qkcmanagement.com or (808) 856-8108.