DLNR Seeks Applications For Land Preservation Grants
The Department of Land and Natural Resources’ Legacy Land Conservation Program is seeking applications from state agencies, counties, and nonprofit land conservation organizations for land preservation grants.
These grants are offered to preserve land that has environmental, recreational, scenic, cultural, agricultural, or historic value. This includes park and trail systems that provide access to such land.
Grants from the State of Hawai‘i Land Conservation Fund support efforts by these partners to acquire and protect land for public benefit.
DLNR Chairperson Suzanne Case noted that in the last 12 years, the Legacy Land Conservation Program contributed over $24 million to conserve 30 properties.
“Land conservation is the foundational first step for stewarding an abundant future. Through the Legacy Land Program, DLNR helped to build stewardship commitments by working with numerous partners to protect over 11,000 acres of critical lands that harbor a wide range of important resource values,” Case said. “These achievements rely upon the collaborative efforts of conservation-minded landowners, community and government organizations, private donors, and elected officials.”
There are 16 transactions in progress that will protect over 15,000 additional acres when completed. About $4.4 million is available for award during the 2018-2019 grant cycle.
DLNR’s Legacy Land Conservation Program works with partners to spend state conveyance tax revenue for environmental and social purposes, leveraging these state funds to meet the matching requirements of federal and private co-sponsors.
Grant applications for land acquisition, and for debt service payment on previous state-financed acquisitions, are vetted through public review and government approval. The process involves three consulting state agencies; the all-volunteer Legacy Land Conservation Commission, the President of the State Senate and the Speaker of the State House of Representatives, the State Board of Land and Natural Resources, the State Department of Budget and Finance, and the Governor.
Applications for land acquisition grants are due by Sept. 24, 2018. Application materials are available online.
DLNR encourages state agencies, counties, and nonprofit land conservation organizations that are interested in securing a grant to contact the Legacy Land Conservation Program, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, at (808) 586-0921, or by email at legacyland@hawaii.gov.
More information about the Legacy Land Conservation Program can be found online.