Section of HNP’s Pīpīwai Trail to Close for Maintenance
A one-mile section of the Pīpīwai Trail located in the Kīpahulu District of Haleakalā National Park in East Maui will close for helicopter operations on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a trail boardwalk replacement project.
The closure affects the last mile of the Pīpīwai Trail.
Visitors will be able to hike the first mile of the two-mile trail to the footbridge just below the Bamboo Forest. Visitors will not be able to access the Bamboo Forest or the Waimoku Falls viewing area during the four hour closure.
Hikers will be able to access Makahiku Falls, located a half-mile from the Pīpīwai Trailhead and will also be able to access the entire half-mile Kūloa Point Loop Trail near the Pools of ʻOheʻo.
The pools remain closed at this time while the flash flood monitoring safety system is being