Mayor-Elect Victorino Announces 13 More Appointments
Mayor-elect Mike Victorino announced today a new appointment as director for the county Department of Finance, 10 deputy directors, the new administration’s budget director and the director of the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development. The announcement comes after a first round of appointments of mostly director appointments last week on Dec. 10, 2018.

Mayor-Elect Michael Victorino announces 12 administrative appointments. Photo (12.10.18) by Wendy Osher
“This marks the next phase of high-caliber leaders to step forward and offer their wealth of experience to serve the people of Maui County,” Victorino said. “We looked for the most highly qualified people who’re committed to our island communities and dedicated to customer service. I grateful for and appreciate the time and care that all the applicants put in to their resumes and cover letters. Again, I’m honored by their willingness to serve in my administration.”
Longtime Finance Department Real Property Assessment Division chief Scott Teruya has received Victorino’s appointment as finance director. He replaces previously announced appointee Marci Sato, who has decided to remain in her current position as the Finance Department’s accounting services administrator because of family commitments.
In 1993, Teruya graduated from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa with a baccalaureate degree from the College of Business Administration. Since 1997, he has served in the Department of Finance’s Real Property Assessment Division. He will require confirmation from the Maui County Council.
As deputy director of the Finance Department, Victorino named May-Anne Alibin. She received a bachelor of science in business administration from the University of Nevada Las Vegas in 2003 and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix in 2010.
Other appointed deputies are:
· Ed Kushi Jr., Department of the Corporation Counsel. A 1978 Washburn School of Law (Topeka, Kansas) graduate, Kushi has served as first deputy corporation counsel since 2011 and was a deputy corporation counsel from 1999 to 2010.
· Robert Rivera, first deputy, Department of the Prosecuting Attorney. A 1990 graduate of Brigham Young University’s J. Reuben Clark Law School, Rivera has held the first deputy position in the department since 2011. Before that, he was law partner in the firm of Rivera and Martin, Attorneys and Counselors At Law from March through December 2010, and he served as a deputy prosecuting attorney in the department from 2002 to 2010.
· Shayne Agawa, Department of Environmental Management. A 1994 graduate of Seattle University with a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering, Agawa has served as deputy director of the Department of Water Supply and comes with extensive knowledge of Maui County’s infrastructure. He worked as an engineer with the Department of Public Works for more than 15 years.
· Lori Tsuhako, Department of Housing and Human Concerns. A 1984 graduate of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa with bachelor and master’s degrees in social work, Tsuhako has been a professional social worker for 32 years. She served as deputy director of the department under former Mayor Charmaine Tavares from 2007 to 2011.
· John Buck, Department of Parks and Recreation. A 1973 graduate with a bachelor of science degree in physical education from California Polytechnic University, Buck served in a variety of positions in the county parks department from 1986 to 2009, including a stint as deputy director from 2007 to 2009. Most recently, he was deputy director of the county Department of Transportation since March and was an executive assistant to Mayor Alan Arakawa from 2011 to March of this year.
· Jordan Hart, Department of Planning. A 2003 graduate with a bachelor degree in business administration from Northern Arizona University, Hart is the president and land planner for Chris Hart & Partners in Wailuku. He has worked as a planner in the firm established by his late father, former Department of Planning Director Chris Hart, since 2005.
· Rowena Dagdag-Andaya, Department of Public Works. A 1999 graduate of Gonzaga University, Dagdag-Andaya has served as deputy public works director since 2011. In her position, she has assisted in the management of a department with more than 270 employees and an annual operating budget of $48 million.
· Michael Du Pont, Department of Transportation. A 2003 graduate of King Kekaulike High School, Du Pont has served as operations manager with Roberts Hawaiʻi Tours & Transportation since 2010.
· Helene Kau, Department of Water Supply. A 1987 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa graduate with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and accounting, Kau has been an assistant fiscal officer with the water department since 2011 and from 2005 to 2006. She also worked as a budget specialist in the Office of the Mayor from 2007 to 2010.
Michele Yoshimura was appointed as budget director. She holds a bachelor of science degree in liberal studies (communications) from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, graduating in 1989. She was budget director under former Mayor James “Kimo” Apana from 1999 to 2002 and most recently has been a legislative analyst for the Maui County Council’s Budget and Finance Committee from 2012 to the present.
And, Kay Fukumoto was appointed as director of the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development. She earned a bachelor of business administration accounting degree from the University of Hawaiʻi in 1982. She’s a certified public accountant and certified management accountant. And, she has served as chief financial officer of Fukumoto Engineering Inc. since 1994. Her community involvement includes being president of Maui Taiko and event co-chairwoman for Maui Matsuri.
The Maui County Charter does not require council confirmation for mayoral appointments for deputy director, budget director or director of the economic development office.

Rowena Dagdag-Andaya. Courtesy file photo.

Robert Rivera. PC: 12.01.16 by Wendy Osher.

Edward Kushi, Jr. Courtesy file photo.

Shayne Agawa. Courtesy file photo

John Buck. PC: County of Maui

Helene Kau. Courtesy file photo.

Scott Teruya. Courtesy file photo.