Maui Nominees Announced for Outstanding Older Americans
Finalists for the Annual Outstanding Older American awards in Maui County were announced today.
The list of nominees includes: Carolee “Aunty Doll” Aricayos; Louise Corpuz; Arleen Gerbig; George Kahamoku, Jr.; Kimokeo Kapahulehua; Maggie Masicampo; Takeo Miyaguchi; Alice “Ali” Thompson; and Dorothy Tolliver.
The Maui County Office on Aging will be closed on Thursday, May 16, to celebrate Maui County’s 51st Annual Outstanding Older American Male and Female of Maui County. Awards will be presented on that day.
This year, the national theme is “Connect, Create, Contribute.” This year’s theme encourages older adults and their communities to: Connect with friends, family, and local services and resources; Create through activities that promote learning, health, and personal enrichment; and Contribute time, talent and life experience to benefit others.
This year also marks the 54th anniversary of the Older Americans Act of 1965, under which many programs were created to serve older adults in the United States.
The Maui County Office on Aging is proud to join many others across the nation in celebrating the achievements of its citizens. “We are pleased to recognize this year’s nominees and look forward to celebrating their many years of service to our community,” department representatives said.