Sugimura Talk Story at Upcountry Farmers Market, Aug. 24
Councilmember Yuki Lei Sugimura will hold her monthly “Talk Story with Yuki Lei” outreach program on Saturday, Aug. 24, at the Upcountry Farmers Market from 7 to 11 a.m.
Sugimura invites the public to come and voice their concerns on County issues that matter to them. Representative Kyle Yamashita will also be available to discuss State-related issues with the community.
“The Upcountry Farmers Market, located at Kulamalu Town Center (near Longs Drugs, Pukalani), is a great outdoor venue for sharing concerns, discussing challenges and giving feedback on local issues,” said Sugimura.
Sugimura holds the council seat for the Upcountry residency area. She is the chair of the Multimodal Transportation Committee and is a member of the Kula Agricultural Park Committee.
Call the office of Councilmember Sugimura at (808) 270-7939 for questions.