Makawao Third Friday Makes a Comeback in February

Photo Courtesy Makawao Merchants Association
The Makawao Third Friday Town Party makes a comeback this month, on Friday, Feb. 21, after temporarily coming to a halt in August.
The five month hiatus came when Makawao merchants said lack of participation and donations from other businesses in town lead to them giving up the event for the time being.
Now, a new group of Upcountry residents has stepped up to take over stewardship of the popular event, which had come to what was believed to be its end last year. The event had been ongoing for eight years under the leadership of the Makawao Merchants Association.
“As Makawao residents, we just couldn’t let the Makawao Third Friday fade into the sunset,” said Carissa Holley, one of the leaders of the event organizing committee. “The Makawao community, encouraged by Mayor Michael Victorino, the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, Council Members Yuki Lei Sugimura and Mike Molina, and with the support of sponsors Goodfellow Bros Inc., Ground Transportation, Enterprise Holdings, First Hawaiian Bank and KPOA, came together united by a new vision of an event centered on the keiki, the cultures and community spirit that defines Makawao.”
“We’ve moved the event to a larger venue with more space, improved lighting and security, and reduced impact on traffic flows in and around Makawao Town,” said Alaneo Artates, a committee member. “And, with the shuttle service so graciously provided by Ground Transportation Inc., attendees can easily take the shuttle to Makawao Hongwanji, where it’s just a two-minute walk to visit the wonderful merchants of Makawao Town, and tour the Makawao History Museum.”
The “new” Makawao Third Friday event will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Feb. 21 on the grounds of the Eddie Tam Memorial Park at 931 Makawao Ave. Food offerings will feature Maui-based entrepreneurs including Alʻs BBQ, DeRayʻs Poi Mochi, Maui Empanadas, Maika`i Lani Malasadas and Frenchy’s.
Entertainment will showcase local artists. Booths will include a diverse mix of Maui-based entrepreneurs, associations and clubs, nonprofit organizations and community groups. Parking is available on-site for $5 per vehicle, as well as on the grounds of the Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist Temple for a $5 donation. A shuttle service will run between the temple and Eddie Tam Memorial Park. Parking for kupuna and anyone with a handicapped parking placard is available on the lot near the gymnasium.
The organizing committee includes Upcountry residents Michael DuPont, Wailani Artates, Carissa Holley, Ateliana Ah Kui, Alaneo Artates and the Rev. Kerry Kiyohara of Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. The committee is supported by Susie Thieman of fiscal sponsor Lokahi Pacific.
Anyone interested in participating in the Makawao Third Friday Town Party as an entertainer, food vendor or as a product representative at a booth is encouraged to contact the organization at or visit for application forms and more information.
Future Makawao Third Friday Town Parties are set this year for Friday, April 17; Friday, June 19; and Friday, Aug. 21.