Maui Business

Maui Native Hawaiian Chamber Seeks Participation in Talk Story about Hālau Perseverance

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Kealiʻi Reichel. Photo Credit File Courtesy: Maui Arts & Cultural Center

The Maui Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce invites the community to participate in a free, Virtual Talk Story session about Hālau Perseverance.

Learn how hālau hula cultural values can be applied to businesses and organizations to survive and thrive in the wake of a global pandemic.

The online Zoom event will be Dec. 15, 2020 from 10 to 11 a.m. It is free but registration is required at: Or email:

Hālau Hula are pillars of Hawaiian culture, where cultural education, language, dance and storytelling thrive. Hālau have survived multiple disruptions throughout Hawaiʻi’s history, including the deadly epidemics of 1848, being forced underground during the missionary era, World War II and the advent of industrial tourism.

How do hālau survive and thrive when the unthinkable happens? What can businesses learn from their traditional values, ethics and cultural passion to emerge whole after this pandemic?

Join us as we Talk Story, with Kumu hula Keali’i Reichel, and Kauʻi Kanakaʻole to discuss cultural nurturance and endurance through a traditional hālau perspective.

Kaui Kanakaʻole. Courtesy photo.

About the Speakers: 

Kumu Keali‘i Reichel founded and leads the Hālau Ke‘alaokamaile.  Keali‘i Reichel has been at the forefront of the revival and perpetuation of Hawaiian culture. He is a world-class performer, best-selling recording artist, multiple award-winning Kumu hula, prolific composer, renowned chanter, choreographer, dancer, weaver, scholar and teacher.

Ala Kukui’s Executive Director Kau‘i Kanaka‘ole is a Kumu hula trained in the renowned Hālau o Kekuhi with more than 20 years of experience in cultural advocacy. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and has 14 years of teaching experience, including 11 years at Hāna School. She was born and raised in Hāna and maintains extensive ties to the community.


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