Public Invited to Talk Story with Councilmember About Ka‘ahumanu Corridor and Other Current Issues
Councilmember Tasha Kama (Kahului Residency District) is inviting residents to visit her booth at the Maui Sunday Market, Dec. 13, 2020 to talk story. One of the current issues residents may be interested in learning more about includes the Ka‘ahumanu Community Corridor project, which provides an online survey, interactive online map and a virtual scavenger hunt.
The proposed roadway corridor in the project extends 2.5 miles along Ka‘ahumanu Avenue from Maui Mall to Main Street near the State Building. The Ka‘ahumanu Community Corridor project is tasked with re-imagining one of the busiest roadways on Maui and setting a vision for new housing, transportation, pedestrian and landscaping options.
Some of the questions residents are asked to consider include:
As we grow, how do we as a community want the corridor to be used?
As a higher-speed, vehicle-oriented roadway?
As a pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly corridor with lower traffic speeds?
As a corridor emphasizing public transportation?
How do we want the adjacent land to be used?
Do we want higher density, more affordable housing?
Do we want more retail and office space?
Do we want mixed-use buildings that can combine retail, office and housing units?
“This corridor runs through the heart of Central Maui, literally the ‘spine’ traveling from Kahului to Wailuku,” said Councilmember Kama. “This is our opportunity to help shape the future of this important roadway, and how we will interface with it.”
For more details on the project or to utilize the interactive maps and virtual scavenger hunt, visit
The Maui Sunday Market is held from 4-8 p.m. at Kahului Shopping Center, 65 W. Kaahumanu Avenue; free admission and free parking. For more information, visit or call (808) 270-5501.