Ka‘ahumanu Avenue Community Corridor Project Announced
Maui County residents are invited to participate in a study to create a new vision for the roadway corridor along Ka‘ahumanu Avenue and Main Street in Wailuku.
The Ka‘ahumanu Community Corridor Project’s website can be found at www.kaahumanucommunitycorridor.org. Website visitors can take a short survey, use an interactive online map and go on a virtual scavenger hunt to snap photos and win prizes.
“This project is about re-imagining one of the busiest roadway corridors on Maui, with new housing, transportation options, landscaping and walkways,” Mayor Michael Victorino said. “A community corridor is a place where it’s easy for people to take the bus, walk or bike. It’s a place with many housing options, and it has easy access to schools, shopping, medical facilities and jobs. In short, it’s a place where people want to be to enjoy life, work and recreation.”
Website visitors also can sign up for email updates, learn more about the project, get notices about upcoming virtual meetings and contact the project team with any questions. The Ka‘ahumanu Community Corridor is also on Facebook and Instagram.
Project details:
- The roadway corridor extends 2.5 miles from Ka`ahumanu Avenue in the vicinity of the Maui Mall to Main Street near the State Building in Wailuku town.
- The corridor is one of the busiest roadways on Maui, with 50,000 vehicles traveling it daily.
- The Wailuku-Kahului region is Maui’s most densely populated, with great demand for housing and transportation options.
- The project will explore new housing options, transportation improvements, safe bike and pedestrian routes and opportunities for economic development in Wailuku and Kahului.
- The community will be an important partner by engaging in this study to create a new vision for Ka‘ahumanu Avenue and Main Street.
The Ka‘ahumanu Community Corridor Project is led by the Maui County Department of Planning with support from a project team consisting of the County Departments of Transportation, Parks and Recreation, Housing and Human Concerns, Public Works, the Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization and the State of Hawaii Department of Transportation. The project is made possible by a grant from the State Legislature and matching funds from the County of Maui.