Maui Health Vaccine Clinic Appointments Now Available on VAMS for Phase 1A and 1B

The federal VAMS (Vaccine Administration Management System) portal for the Maui Health Vaccination Clinic has officially reopened.
The VAMS portal can be accessed by all current VAMS registered Phase 1A and 1B qualified residents to make their first dose vaccination appointment.
If you are a qualified resident based on the CDC priority distribution list, and do not have a VAMS registered account, you will need to complete the Maui Health Vaccine Health Record Form. This form is available on the Maui Health website as of 3 p.m. today and is the first step for Phase 1A, 1B qualified residents to request an appointment.
After the form is completed and submitted, Maui Health will input the individual’s information into the VAMS system, and the individual will then be able to complete the VAMS registration process and secure an appointment in VAMS.
For more information on how to begin your registration process, and on qualified Phase 1A, 1B specifics, visit Maui Health online.
Phase 1A and 1B individuals which include Healthcare Workers, Frontline Essential Workers, and Residents Age 75+. For individuals in Phase 1C, a start date has not yet been determined at this time.
As the supply of vaccine increases, it will be made available to more groups in the coming months. For more information on the state’s distribution plan and priority groups, visit