Water Service Disruptions in Wailea Today due to Thursday’s Water Outage in Kīhei

The Maui Department of Water Supply reported there are water service disruptions in Wailea today related to Thursdayʻs water outage in Central Kīhei.
The South Maui Water Distribution System currently is re-pressurizing as water tanks are refilling. The increased demand for water will contribute to prolonged periods of no water to low water pressure in the Wailea area.
The department anticipates restoring water service to Wailea customers by 1 pm today. Customers can expect brown water when service is restored, and they are advised to allow water to flow out of faucets until the water is clear.
Two water tankers have been stationed at Kanakanui Road directly across from Kamaliʻi Elementary School for customers to fill water containers.
The department appreciates customers’ understanding and patience. For emergency repairs and updates, call 808-270-7633. For more information, contact DWS Administrative Officer Adam Mundy at 808-270-8046 or email Adam.Mundy@co.maui.hi.us.
For several hours Thursday, customers in central Kīhei were without water service due to an early morning water main break in a 30-inch transmission pipeline on Auhana Road. The water service outage affected more than 150 homes and businesses and 200 fire hydrants. Water service in this area was restored Thursday afternoon.