Update / OPEN: Hāna Highway Traffic Advisory in Pā‘ia
Hāna Hwy fronting Baldwin Beach Park Now OPEN
(Update: 2:25 a.m., 12.6.21)
As of Monday, Dec. 6, 2021, at 2:25 a.m., Hāna Highway at Bladwin Beach Park is open. It was closed earlier due to a traffic accident and a leaning electric pole.
Hāna Hwy Traffic Accident / Leaning Electric Pole – Highway CLOSED at Baldwin Beach
(Update 4:01 p.m. 12.5.21)
Police say Hāna Highway is closed fronting Bladwin Beach Park in Pāʻia due to a motor vehicle collision. Motorists should avoid the area and use alternate routes. We also have reports of a power pole leaning over the roadway in the area.

Motorists are advised of a leaning pole along Hāna Highway near Baldwin Beach Park in Pāʻia. Motorists should avoid the area and use alternate routes.