Hawaiʻi’s Salvation Army Seeks Volunteers and Donations for Holidays’ Campaign

The Salvation Army Hawaiian & Pacific Islands Division is seeking donations and volunteer support from Hawaiʻi’s businesses and the public to help those in need this holiday season through its 2021 “Hope Marches On” campaign.
“Once again, due to the ongoing pandemic, we have fewer kettles out in Hawaiʻi,” said Major Phil Lum, Divisional Commander for The Salvation Army Hawaiian & Pacific Islands Division. Volunteer bell ringers are particularly needed to help us keep Red Kettles out in communities as much as possible. It’s important to remember that Red Kettle, Angel Tree and monetary donations stay in the communities where they are donated.”
To volunteer as a bell ringer or for other volunteer opportunities, go to Hawaii.SalvationArmy.org.
There also are various ways to donate online, allowing the community to raise funds not only for Christmas gifts for keiki and kupuna, but also to provide support for social service programs and those in need throughout the year.
Opportunities for supporting those in need in Hawaiʻi during the 2021 holiday season include:
- Share a Holiday Feast: Through Dec. 31, customers at all Foodland and Sack N Save stores in Hawaiʻi can make donations at checkout through Foodland’s “Share a Holiday Feast” program to help those less fortunate in Hawaiʻi. Customers may donate cash, coins, Maika’i points or My Rewards Certificates to help. Those donations will be turned into Foodland gift certificates and distributed by The Salvation Army to families in need on each island where the donations were received.
- The Salvation Army Angel Tree Program: Christmas trees are decorated with paper angel tag ornaments with the first name, age and gender of a keiki or kupuna in need. Donors can select one or more tags from the Angel Tree and purchase appropriate gifts for the keiki or senior described on the tags. The gifts are returned to the tree the tags were pulled from. Angel Trees are located at all Hawaiʻi Walmart stores. Last year, more than 31,000 gifts were donated through the Angel Tree program in Hawaiʻi.
There are several ways to support the Angel Tree program. They include:
- Purchasing gifts online via Angel Tree Gift Registries at walmart.com/registryforgood
- Supporting or creating a virtual Angel Tree online at AngelTreeHi.org
- Making a register donation at any Burger King location
- Selecting traditional angel tags from physical Angel Trees at many businesses and malls
Angel Trees’ physical locations for 2021 on Maui:
- Aloha Pacific Federal Credit Union – through Dec. 11
- Body in Balance Maui in Lahaina – through Dec. 12
- Kahului Walmart – through Dec. 15
- Maui County Federal Credit Union branches including Kahului, Lahaina and Wailuku – through Dec. 11
- Maui Family YMCA – through Dec. 11
- Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center – through Dec. 11
- The Salvation Army Red Kettle Program: Red Kettle donations support community based programs in the area of each island where each donation is made. To help ensure the safety of bell ringers, donors and partners, The Salvation Army has adopted nationally mandated safety protocols. Supporters are able to donate digitally with Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal and Venmo at any Red Kettle in Hawaiʻi. Virtual kettles have been established for all Corps/communities statewide. Visit HawaiiRedKettle.org and scroll down to select the island community you want to support.
Red Kettles’ physical locations for 2021 on Maui:
- Kahului Walmart – through Dec. 24
- Pukalani Superette – through Dec. 24
- Safeway stores at Ho‘okele, Honapiilani, Maui Lani and Pi‘ikea – through Dec. 24
- Walgreens in Kahului, Lahaina and Wailuku – through Dec. 24
Other Ways to Help With Red Kettles:
- Adopt A Red Kettle – Businesses can adopt an actual red kettle or counter kettle for their office, or store front. For details, contact the Development Department at 808-988-2136.
- Point Of Sale Paper Kettles – Businesses can set up paper Red Kettles at their location to help collect funds for those in need. For details, contact the Development Department at 808-988-2136.
Sponsors of The Salvation Army’s 2021 “Hope Marches On” campaign are Central Pacific Bank Foundation, Dominos Hawaiʻi, Hawaiian Electric Industries and iHeartMEDIA Honolulu, with additional support from Aloha Kia.