25-mile West Maui Greenway proposed to connect Ukumehame to Līpoa Point
The Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization is preparing a Master Plan for the West Maui Greenway, a proposed 25-mile multi-use trail that will one day connect Ukumehame and Līpoa Point.
The purpose of the Master Plan is to bring to life the vision of providing a safe and welcoming trail where people can walk, bike, roll and stroll separated from vehicle traffic.

There are two opportunities to provide input on the West Maui Greenway right now:
- Leave comments on specific locations in the interactive online map.
- Share your vision of how you want the West Maui Greenway to look and feel in a short survey.
Both survey tools can be found on the project website at westmauigreenway.altago.site. Comments are due by Feb. 25, 2022.
The Master Plan will identify where the greenway will be located, what it could look like in different areas of West Maui, and outline future steps like permits, construction and maintenance.
For reference, it took about 20 years to build the North Shore Greenway. Once complete in September 2022, the West Maui Greenway Master Plan will help Maui County prioritize which area to work on first, and get funding to build the trail.

To be notified of future opportunities to submit comments on transportation-related projects on Maui, visit mauimpo.org.