UPDATE: Chinese New Year Lion Dance, at lower parking area of Kalana O Maui building

Chinese New Year Lion Dance moved to lower parking area at Kalana O Maui
Update: 8 a.m., Jan. 27, 2023
Because of current weather conditions, the Chinese New Year Lion Dance this morning will be moved to the lower parking area under Kalana O Maui, County Building. Overnight rainfall has saturated the front lawn.
Previous Post: Chinese New Year Lion Dance, Friday at Kalana O Maui County Building
The County of Maui invites the public to a Chinese New Year Lion Dance performance at 9 a.m. Friday, Jan. 27 on the front lawn of Kalana O Maui, County Building, in Wailuku.
A team from Au’s Shaolin Arts Society will perform the Lion Dance to usher in the Year of the Rabbit.
The festivities will feature firecrackers and lion dancing music including drums, gongs and cymbals to attract the lion. Lai see envelopes will be handed out for audience participation to feed money to the lions for good luck.
The event is returning after a break during the pandemic.
The Year of the Rabbit began on January 22 with the first new moon of the year. The rabbit’s essence is family values, alertness, confidence and the ability to listen and not just hear. The rabbit is known for its prolific abundance and swift reaction to avoid calamity.