Maui Hope and Hawaiʻi Autism Foundation help Lahaina family impacted by fire

Two nonprofits, Maui Hope and the Hawaiʻi Autism Foundation, presented a $1,900 check to Lahaina resident Jhuendel Sabalo and her 8 year-old daughter who has autism. The funds were raised through a Gofundme campaign, and will help the family to purchase a car after they lost their home, vehicle and all their belongings in the Aug. 8 Lahaina fire tragedy.

Hawaiʻi Autism Foundation has been working with special needs families in Hawaiʻi since 2013 to fund and provide programs and support for people diagnosed with autism. The organization is committed to improving the quality of life for Hawaiʻi’s Autism families.
Maui Hope is a Department of Health licensed Medicaid Waiver provider dedicated to supporting participants to live a full life through meaningful and productive opportunities, affordable and secure housing options, real friendship and a healthy lifestyle.
“Together we understand that special needs families have extra needs. Specifically we are inspired to help to fill in gaps not met by government and other larger donation centers. All people want to show up to help,” organization leaders said.