Maui Nui Marine Resource Council presents ‘Know Your Ocean Speaker Seriesʻ on coral restoration

(PC: Audrey Nguyen)
The Maui Nui Marine Resource Council will host the November edition of its “Know Your Ocean Speaker Series” featuring Hanalei Hoʻopai-Sylva and Madeleine Sherman of Coral Resilience Lab on Nov. 1 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Hoʻopai-Sylva and Sherman will share their work on “Restore with Resilience”, a community-focused initiative to restore reefs in Hawaiʻi through selective propagation of local corals that can tolerate higher ocean temperatures.
These local corals are considered to be “pre-adapted” to climate change and may be able to increase the efficacy of restoration and conservation work.

“Restore with Resilience” is currently investigating the plausibility of this practice by implementing the first large-scale restoration project in Hawaiʻi focused on thermally tolerant corals.

“By enhancing future reef resilience, we hope to protect Hawaiʻi’s coastlines and conserve its dynamic ecosystems while climate change is tackled on a broader scale,” said Sherman, the project manager for Coral Resilience Lab at the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology.
The webinar is free to attend and registration is encouraged. Registration for the webinar can be completed at: