50 refurbished laptops available to income-qualifying families, individuals
Fifty refurbished laptops will be offered without charge to income qualifying Maui County residents with sign-ups beginning at 4 p.m. Friday, June 21, on a first-come, first-served basis, in a partnership with AT&T, human-i-t and Maui Economic Opportunity.
The laptops with Windows operating systems will be given to residents who are at 300 percent of the poverty line – which for a family of four is $107,640 – and have not received a laptop through an MEO-sponsored program in the past two years.
Applications will close at 4 p.m. Friday, July 12. In addition to the completion of the entire application, proof of income will need to be uploaded. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Online applications can be found at https://form.jotform.com/241687444953064 or by going to meoinc.org and clicking on AT&T and MEO Digital Equity Program. Applications also may be obtained at MEO offices in Wailuku, 99 Mahalani St.; Hana, 1501 Uakea Road; Lāna‘i, 1144 Ilima St. and Moloka‘i, 380 Kolapa Place, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, excluding holidays.
Telecommunications company A&T and human-i-t are providing the laptops with MEO assisting with the distribution. Human-i-t offers refurbished devices, internet access and digital skills training by partnering with businesses and organizations to support communities without access to the digital age.
AT&T, human-i-t and MEO collaborated to distribute 45 laptops late last year.

For more information, call 808-243-4306.