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60 refurbished computers distributed by MEO at no cost to recipients

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Lyle and Noreen Camara came to MEO in Wailuku to pick up their refurbished laptop computer provided as part of AT&T’s Connected Learning initiative on July 24, 2024. PC: Maui Economic Opportunity

For some, the refurbished laptop given to them at no cost was their first computer. For others, the laptops replaced ones burned in the wildfires.

Most of the 60 income-qualifying recipients in the program picked up their Dell and Lenovo laptops at Maui Economic Opportunity in Wailuku and received a computer backpack. The laptops and backpacks were donated by AT&T and Human-I-T as a part of the AT&T Connected Learning initiative to help bridge the digital divide. MEO distributed 60 laptops on Maui and Moloka‘i in late July and early August.

Initially, 50 laptops were offered on a first-come, first-served basis on June 21, but MEO received 60 applications within an hour-and-a-half of opening up the process. Due to the high demand, AT&T and Human-I-T provided an additional 10 laptops so that everyone who signed up before the application portal was closed could receive a laptop.


The laptops with Windows operating systems were given to residents at or below 350 percent of the poverty line and had not received a laptop through an MEO-sponsored program in the past two years.

Those receiving the laptops planned to use them for school and classes for adults and children, to perform online tasks previously done on a smaller phone, and to perform activities on their “own” computer rather than a borrowed one.

“There is a definite need for laptop computers in our community for lower income residents,” said MEO CEO Debbie Cabebe. “We were surprised by the deluge after opening up the application process and apologize to those who were unable to get a computer. Thank you to AT&T and Human-I-T for providing the laptops. There were smiling faces as they clutched their new computers.”

Dan Sato was the first person to pick up a refurbished laptop at MEO in Wailuku on July 24. He is shown speaking with MEO CEO Debbie Cabebe. PC: Maui Economic Opportunity

“AT&T is proud to collaborate with Maui Economic Opportunity and Human-I-T to help close the digital equity on Maui and Moloka‘i,” said Elizabeth Songvilay, director of External and Legislative Affairs at AT&T Hawaiʻi. “Connectivity is a vital part of our lives and we’re so glad we can provide these resources to those that need them most.” 

Telecommunications company AT&T and nonprofit Human-I-T provided the laptops, and MEO assisted with the distribution. Human-I-T offers refurbished devices, helps with internet access and provides digital skills training by partnering with businesses and organizations to support.

AT&T, Human-I-T and MEO collaborated to distribute 45 laptops late last year.


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